A Sober Lifestyle in Portland, Maine
Mission House has a maximum occupancy of 9 women. The manager/owner resides onsite. We have two single bedrooms and three doubles. There are two and 1/2 baths. Women can have their own vehicles but for those who don’t have a vehicle we are within walking distance to the bus line.
Women must attend three in person 12 step meetings and our house meeting weekly. We ask that residents work no more than forty hours per week, your focus needs to be on recovery. The first thirty days are a trial period, with the hope that you are a good fit for the house and we for you. During the first thirty days curfew is 9 PM, 10 PM after that. There are no overnights allowed for the first ninety days.
We respect relationships that are already established, but ask that you enter no new romantic relationship for 12 months. New relationships are especially risky in early recovery. In addition to substance use, theft, violence and disruptive behavior are not tolerated and are a cause for immediate eviction.
Rent is $775.00 a month and includes utilities, wi-fi, Netflix and cleaning supplies. Bedding is provided but you are welcome to bring your own. Space is limited, storage is mainly under your bed so pack accordingly. Total move in cost is $1250.00. This includes the first months rent, a refundable security deposit of $400.00 and a one time move-in fee of $100.00.
If you are interested in residing at Mission House for Women please fill out the application found on our website. You may also call (207) 232-4573 with any questions you might have. Thank you.