A Sober Lifestyle in Portland, Maine Mission House has a maximum occupancy of 9 women. The manager/owner resides onsite. We have two single bedrooms … [Read More]
12 Step Sober Living
Honest, ongoing 12 Step Work
Diligent Practice of the Principles
Loving Accountability
Supportive, Affordable
Community Environment
Mission House believes that the opposite of addiction is connection. Mission House for Women is a sober living facility located in Portland, Maine. Portland has a thriving recovery community that offers more than 100 in person meetings per week. There are a wide variety of meetings, enough to suit any lifestyle.
Mission House aims to provide women seeking a substance-free life a safe and affordable environment to start the process of recovery. Mission House follows 12 step programs to recovery. Residents are required to attend 12 step meetings, obtain a sponsor and work the steps. Life gets better without drugs and alcohol, but it gets infinitely better following a structured recovery program. Working a program of recovery offers spiritual, emotional and mental growth.
A Sober Lifestyle in Portland, Maine Mission House has a maximum occupancy of 9 women. The manager/owner resides onsite. We have two single bedrooms … [Read More]
Requirements for Residents: Each resident will work/ volunteer/ be in school for at least 32 hours/wk. During your first 30 days, you are asked to … [Read More]
Mission House for Women is located in a sunny and spacious 5 bedroom home in a quiet neighborhood just off of the Portland peninsula. We’re on a q … [Read More]